Mild Weather Continues

The warm weather from the weekend will continue into this week. High temperatures at or above zero will continue.

850mb temperatures will be around 8C in Southern Manitoba on Tuesday

850mb temperatures will be around 8C in Southern Manitoba on Tuesday

Temperatures will drop off slightly on Monday compared with Sunday as the wind switches to a more westerly direction. High temperatures will be held down a bit as cooler air moves in from the vast expanse of snow covered land to our west. Highs will generally be in the -4 to 0C range over Southern Manitoba, with more widespread above zero temperatures in south-eastern areas. On Tuesday most of Southern Manitoba should get above zero, with the exception of heavily snow covered areas which will hover close to the freezing mark. Warm air just above the surface (seen in the graphic above) will offer the potential for high single digit or even low double-digit temperatures in snow-free areas if it can stay sunny (mainly south-eastern Manitoba). Southern Manitoba should once again remain mainly above freezing on Wednesday as a light south-easterly flow allows warm conditions to continue.

Current forecasts show a low pressure system sliding through Manitoba on Thursday. This system will bring more snow to parts of Manitoba, though it is unclear at this point if Southern Manitoba will see any significant amount of the white stuff. What does appear likely at this point is that colder air will be pulled down as this system passes through. As a result colder conditions are expected on Friday and may last into the weekend. More details on the potential impact of this system will be available in Wednesday’s post.

Enjoy one of the last mild stretches before our real winter sets in!